When you start writing with a Framework like Zend like I did in the last weeks, you probably are still haunted by all the bad habits of pseudo object orientated PHP design, using lots of require and include's. Zend_Loader doesn't seem to help at first, its just another command (Zend_Loader::loadClass or ::loadFile). It sucks to register lots of autoload paths too.
I wrote my own Zend_Loader child class. It grabs all include paths from a config File using the Zend_Config class, and completely frees you of thinking about includes.
class WWLoader extends Zend_Loader
private static $dirs = NULL;
public static function loadClass($class)
if(self::$dirs===NULL) {
// Include directories of this application are saved in a configuration file. If it has not been
// loaded before do so now and safe everything to the private static variable $dirs which will
// then be used in further loadings
$dirs = array();
$conf_app_path = new Zend_Config_Ini(sprintf('%s%s', constant('ZEND_CONFIG_PATH'), 'application.ini'), 'appincludepath');
self::extractPaths($conf_app_path->toArray(), $dirs);
self::$dirs = $dirs;
parent::loadClass($class, self::$dirs, true);
public static function autoload($class)
try {
return $class;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return false;
* Given an array with subkeys of include paths this function unifies this array to
* a single one and returns the result in the second argument $dirs which is given
* by reference.
* @param Array $array
* @param Array $dirs
public static function extractPaths($array, &$dirs)
foreach($array AS $k => $v) {
if(is_array($v)) {
self::extractPaths($v, $dirs);
} else {
$dirs[] = $v;
ZEND_CONFIG_PATH is the only constant I use in my application. I initialize the following at the beginning of my bootstrap file:
define('ZEND_CONFIG_PATH', dirname(__FILE__)."/../application/config/");
require_once 'Zend/Loader.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../application/include/WWLoader.php';
After that, its just Objects.