
Unittest and Metrics Aggregator Tool for PHP

Both PHPUnit and PDepend offer export functionality in XML or in a Test-database that is not quite readable for any user from the start. Over the last month I have gradually written a nice webbased tool, that aggregates this data and (todo in the future) relates them to help me with my open source projects.

PHPUnit can be used with a --test-db-dsn command, which saves all information about tests into a Database and PDepend has a strong Package centric source parser for all sorts of project metrics.

What I needed for my Zend Framework related work (and other projects) was a tool that does a run of the complete test-suite for me and saves the information, so that I can see where problems occur (and if they are due to my changes or other peoples). Since PHPUnit will stopped calculating additional metrics, I have also integrated the fabulous PDepend Tool into this aggregator. It shows me, what classes and functions need refactoring due to complexity issues and draws some nice graphs that summarize all sorts of project related information on a per package basis.

You can download or clone the an alpha version at Github. Its written with ezcMvcTools, so you need this to work too. A list of some screenshots is at the Github Wiki page.

Published: 2009-02-08 Tags: #PUMA #Testing #Metrics