
Integrate Ansible Vault with 1Password Commandline

We are using Ansible to provision and deploy Tideways in development and production and the Ansible Vault feature to unlock secrets on production. Since we recently introduced 1Password I integrated them both and unlock the Ansible Vault using 1Password.

This way we can centrally change the Ansible Vault password regularly, without any of the developers with access to production/deployment needing to know the actual password.

To make this integration work, you can setup 1Password CLI to query your 1Password vault for secrets after logging in with password and two factor token.

Then you only need a bash script to act as an executable Ansible Vault password file.

First, download and install the 1Password CLI according to their documentation.

Next, you need to login with your 1Password account explicitly passing email, domain and secret key, so that the CLI can store this information in a configuration file.

$ op signin
Enter the Secret Key for at A3-**********************************
Enter the password for at 
Enter your six-digit authentication code: ******

After this one-time step, you can login more easily by just specifiying op signin example, so I create an alias for this in ~.bash_aliases (I am on Ubuntu).

alias op-signin='eval $(op signin example)'
alias op-logout='op signout && unset OP_SESSION_example'

The eval line makes sure that an environment variable OP_SESSION_example is set for this terminal/shell only with temporary access to your 1Password vault in subsequent calls to the op command. You can use op-logout alias to invalidate this session and logout.

Then I create the bash script in /usr/local/bin/op-vault that is used as Ansible Vault Password File. It needs to fetches the secret and print it to the screen.

op get item --vault=$VAULT_ID "$VAULT_ANSIBLE_NAME" |jq '.details.fields[] | select(.designation=="password").value' | tr -d '"'

This one liner uses the command jq to slice the JSON output to print only the password. The tr command trims the double quotes around the password.

Make sure to configure the VAULT_ID and VAULT_ANSIBLE_NAME variables to point to the ID of your vault where the secret is stored in, and its name in the list. To get the UUIDs of all the vaults type op list vaults in your CLI.

Afterwards you can unlock your Ansible Vault with 1Password by calling:

ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=/usr/local/bin/op-vault -i inventory your_playbook.yml

This now only works in the current terminal/shell, when you called op-signin before to enter password and 2 factor token.

Published: 2019-01-05 Tags: #Deployment #DevOps #Ansible #Automation