
Doctrine 2 Beta 1 released

Today we are happy to announce that the first beta of Doctrine 2 has been released and we fixed 165 issues kindly reported by several early adopters.

You can grab the code from the Github project:
git clone git://

Or download it from our website:\_0

It is our believe that Doctrine 2 brings PHP ORMs to a new level. We are leaving behind the Active Record pattern because we think it hurts testability, project maintainability and is not a suitable abstraction (80/20) for models that exceed the complexity of a blog or otherwise simple web application. Instead we implemented a pure Data Mapper approach with help of the new Reflection functionalities of PHP 5.3, so your Domain Objects neither have to extend a base class nor implement an interface.

We also dropped most of the magical features of Doctrine 1 in favour of a simple and standardized API that is loosely based on the Java Persistence API, a technical standard for Object Relational Mappers. However we try not to blindly follow the "Program PHP like Java" approach and and deviated from JPA where applicable to make the concepts fit better into the PHP environment, such as alternatively hydrating all results into nested array structures for very high read performance.

The cornerstone of Doctrine 2 is the query language DQL. It allows to execute queries on the object level defined by your metadata in a similar fashion to SQL. You can even do Joins, Subselects and Aggregates and Group Clauses in DQL, eliminating the need to circumvent ORMs for more advanced SQL features. Nevertheless it is also possible to write plain SQL and let Doctrine 2 hydrate the results into an object graph.

In the last three month since alpha 4 we have done considerable changes and integrated lots of feedback from our users. The most notable changes are:

  • Allowing Constructors of your Domain Objects to have non-optional parameters.
  • Allow to define a natural ordering of to Many Collections that is automatically enforced trough an SQL ORDER BY statement when retrieved from the database.
  • Shipping the Symfony Console Component to replace our own Console Implementation
  • New DQL syntax to load objects partially, omitting potentially expensive fields from retrieval for the current request.
  • Changes to how bi-directional have to be defined in the mapping files.
  • Several changes to the Events API inside the ORM, to make sure many possible extension scenarios work smoothly.
  • Enhancements to our Console Tools
  • Surpassed the 1000 unit-tests each running against Postgres, Mysql, Sqlite and Oci8 drivers.
  • Moved from SVN to Git:

We also did several painful backwards incompatible changes that seemed necessary to clean up and optimize the API or allow the ORM to be even faster than before. The beta phase beginning today will not contain any larger BC breaks anymore, opening up this release for a broader testing audience.

For the next iteration several enhancements are planned:

  • Support for PDO IBM, IBM DB2, SqlSrv and PDO SqlSrv und MsSql drivers
  • Pessimistic Lock Support (FOR UPDATE and SHARED)
  • Support for Custom Hydration Modes
  • Support for Custom Persister Implementations
  • Support for handling very large collections of related objects without needing an in-memory representation of the collection
  • Separation of Doctrine\Common, Doctrine\DBAL and Doctrine\ORM into three different projects
  • Extend the documentation even further, adding quickstart tutorials, cookbook recipes and enhancing the existing chapters.

We also plan to support several extensions for the 2.0 release such as:

  • Migrations
  • PHPUnit Database Testing Integration
  • NestedSet Support
  • Symfony 2 Support
  • Zend Framework 2 Support

Please try out the new Beta release If you find the time and leave your feedback in our Issue Tracker, the Mailing-List or come discuss with us on Doctrine 2 on Freenode #doctrine-dev.

Published: 2010-04-27 Tags: #Doctrine