tempest/highlight with Twig and Symfony

A Stimulus Controller for the Bulma Navbar Component

Another article on the downsides of Tailwind CSS
Tailwind vs. Semantic CSS

This article puts in words some of my feelings towards Tailwind CSS. So far its learning curve did not really work for me in the 3-4 small projects I used it for, and coming back to them with the complex HTML classes demotivated me regularly.

Fix for mixed PHP+Node app build failures on DigitalOcean App Platform

This is a great Composer plugin, providing an API to find all targets of an attribute by hooking into composer autoload generator for zero runtime overhead. This is not something we could add to PHP itself, but in Composer its perfect

You can now find me on any mastodon instance by searching for @beberlei@beberlei.de and get redirected to my @beberlei@phpc.social profile.
Mastodon on your own domain without hosting a server

Interesting article from Paul on a more pragmatic approach towards web application structure and architecture. I was deeply into commands for a while (this blog offers enough evidence), but a more pragmatic approach can bring huge simplifications.
Contra Noback on Application services

This is often a problem when we want to help customers @Tideways that are using slim docker images. They have a problem with the installation or configuration, but exactly 0 way of debugging it.
Docker: How To Debug Distroless And Slim Containers

Happy birthday PHP Foundation! @pronskiy summarizes the last year in our first transparency and impact report
The PHP Foundation: Impact and Transparency Report 2022

@greg0ire posted this article on migrating from Annotations to Attributes over at the Doctrine blog
From annotations to attributes

Running Shopware Platform tests on a Linux Dev-Machine

Free Software, Not Free Support: My Reply Template

When to use empty in PHP? I'd say never

What to look out for testing PHP8 JIT

Firegento Hackathon Mainz 2020